WhyUndaunted Futures?
Many single-point mentoring solutions exist, but they often lack a unified way of stitching together mentoring programs that meet the multiple needs facing today’s youth. Our mentoring program provides the solution. We believe our multi-focal approach is integral to the success of our mentees.
Adult mentors provide guidance to student mentees.
Mentor Selection and Training
Mentoring Candidates
- Undergo selection, interviews, and extensive background checks
- Complete a comprehensive mentor training program.
Best Practices
- Empathetic listening / unconscious bias training
- Diagnostic assessment solution identification
- Goal setting and encouragement
Mentors Participate in our Sherpa Program
The Undaunted Sherpa program gives mentors a means to share ideas and information about their mentoring experiences where they can:
- Discuss mentoring challenges
- Exchange best practices
- Develop collaborative solutions to problems encountered
- Encourage continuous improvement

Program Overview
From matching a mentor to a youth to building lifelong relationships, we are committed to a program that is effective and valuable.

- Select youth who are a fit for our program
- Mentor Selection: screening, background checks and matching

- Skills assessment, interests and career exploration
- Life skills training
- Internship or service

- Enroll in Undaunted Futures alumni network
- Community networking events and communications

Our Approach
We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach to mentoring. Since every individual is unique, we encourage student-driven goal setting, skill identification, career exploration, and “life plan” development in a fun and engaging environment.
We use a combination of approaches to engage mentees through in-person, group, and online mentoring activities that meet the needs of the youth we serve. We only assign one mentor to each mentee.
We believe that the longer mentees remain in our program, the more likely they will benefit. Therefore, we constantly measure engagement and celebrate persistence in our program. We believe that the Undaunted Futures brand will be valued by trade schools, community colleges, universities, and employers.